About Sean
Sean Glatch is a queer poet and educator in New York City. His work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Pristmatica, Milk Press, Queerlings, 8 Poems, L’Ephemere Review, Rising Phoenix Press, Bombus Press, Pulp Poets Press, Little Death Lit, Zig Zag Zine, The Cypress Dome, and The Poetry Annals.
Sean studied at the University of Central Florida, where he sweat a lot, made poetry out of questionable decisions, and received his degree in Creative Writing.
In 2019, Sean wrote several fable-based screenplays which were adapted into short animations, with the intent of teaching parenting skills to new mothers in Florida hospitals. His work and research were featured at the Florida Undergraduate Research Council and at the Southern Conference on Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Film, and it won the Southern Shorts Award for Best in Screenwriting.
While in Orlando, Sean competed on several slam poetry teams, was a Louder Than a Bomb State Champion, and coached a team to the final stage of YELUSWAP, a youth poetry competition.
Sean is currently at work on a poetry collection about queerness & pop culture monsters, a screenplay about queer relationships, and on a novel inspired by Twin Peaks, Orpheus & Eurydice, and Haruki Murakami. Sean also runs the LGBTQ+ poetry group Poets Out Loud.
Sean is the Lead Administrator at Writers.com, the oldest writing school on the internet.